List of Abbreviations for Students
Academic && Job Titles and Abbreviations
GCSE General Certificate Secondary Examinations
HSSC Higher Secondary School Certificate
ACCA Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
CAT Certified Accounting Technician
CFA Certified Financial Analyst
CIMA Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
FA Faculty of Arts
FIA Foundations in Accountancy
FSC Faculty of Science
IBCC Intermediate Board Committee Chairmen
BA Bachelor of Arts
BSc Bachelor of Science
BSC IT Bachelor of Science & & Information Technology
BScAg Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
LLB Bachelor of Law
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
BCom Bachelor of Commerce
BBA Bachelor of Business Administration
BDS Bachelor of Dental Surgery
BE Bachelor of Engineering
BEd Bachelor of Education
BS Bachelor of Science
MA Master of Arts
MSC Master of Science
MIT Master In Information Technology
MCS Master in Computer Science
MBA Master In Business Administration
MCom Master of Commerce
MScAg Master of Science in Agriculture
MD Doctor of Medicine
MS Master of Surgery
PhD OR DPhil Doctor of Philosophy (Arts & Science)
DLitt/Lit Doctor of Literature / Doctor of Letters
DSc Doctor of Science
Dr Doctor