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CS201 Important Questions for VIVA Preparation ~ VUSs

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CS201 Important Questions for VIVA Preparation

CS201 Important Questions for VIVA Preparation

CS201 Important Questions Answers for VIVA Preparation

CS201 Important VIVA Questions that are Most Frequenly Asked

CS201 Important Questions for VIVA Preparation

1. What is a program?

A program is a precise sequence of steps to solve a particular problem.

2. What is a class?

We write a C++ program using data members, and functions. We call this program “class”.

3. What are the data members?

The data members, functions and nested classes are called class members.

4. What is the class layout?

The way in which data class members are arranged in a class object is called class layout.

5. What is the class template?

The template is used for generating class types.

6. What is the comment in Programing language?

Comments are used to explain the functioning of the programs. It helps to
understand the code. C style of commenting is /*……..*/ also used in C++. And
new line-oriented C++ style is //………

7. What is a constructor?

The constructor initializes the data member of an object in the scope. It has no return type and has the same name as the class. We use many types of constructors by overloading them.

Types of constructor:
Default constructor/compiler-generated constructor

Simple constructor (takes no arguments)
Parameterized constructor (takes arguments)

Constructor overloading

Copy constructor

8. What is a destructor?

A function called when a class object goes out of scope. It cleans up the object, freeing resources like dynamic storage. The name of the destructor is the same as that of a class with preceding tilde sign (~). It could not be overloaded. It has no return type and takes no argument.

9. Define #include?

The #include directive instructs the preprocessor to read and include a file into a source code file. The file name is typically enclosed with <…..> if the file is a

system provided file, or in quotes “….” if the file is user-provided.

10. For which purpose we use C-out?

If we want to print something on the screen we use Cout (Output stream) for this purpose.

cs201 viva questions and answers

11. What are Variables?

Variables are locations in memory for storing data. We call them variables because they can contain different values at different times. The variable name in C may be started with a character or an underscore ( _ ).But in C++ we did not use underscore _ .

In a program every variable has:




12. What are the data types?

A variable must have a data type associated with it. It can have data types like integers, decimal numbers, characters, etc. Different data types have different sizes in memory.


Assignment operator :

= ”is used to assign a value to a specific location.

Compound assignment operators:



Modulus Operator:

is used to get the remainder. (For division)

Relational Operators:

<, =, >”
used for decision making (in if statement)
greater than

equal to

less than
greater than or equal to

less than or equal to
not equal to

Logical Operators:

(These are binary operators and take two operands)

AND operator
OR operator
Logical Negation

Increment and decrement operator:

++” The increment operator (unary operator) that increase the value of its operator by 1.

- -(with no space between)“ decrement operator that decrease the value by 1.

Address operator:
to get the address of a memory location.

14. What is operator overloading?

Operator overloading is to allow the same operator to be bound to more than one implementation, depending on the types of the operands.

15. What is if

The statement used for decision in “C” language is known as the “if
 the statement” it also called a conditional statement. It has a simple structure:


Statement (or group of statements)

For example:
If(Ali’s height is greater than six feet)
Ali can be a member of the team

16. What is “if/else
statement structure?



17. When we use a switch statement?

The switch structure is a multiple-selection construct that is used in multi-way decisions to make the code more efficient and easy to understand. The multi decision means a condition where we have to use if else statement again and again so for ease to access we use the switch statement.

In switch statement there should be an integer variable or an expression that must evaluate an integer type. We can‟t use compound conditions (conditions that use logical operators “&&, ||” in the switch statements).

18. What is the break statement?

The break statement interrupts the flow of control. In the switch statement, all statements are executed. But we want that only statements of the true case should be executed and remaining should be skipped. For this purpose, we use the break

Syntax of switch and break statement:


case constant1:
statement 1;
case constant2:

case constantN:

19. What is the purpose of “continue”

Continue the statement is related to the loop. When we have a lot of code in the body of the loop and we need some code to be executed every time and some code in certain cases. For this purpose, we use continue statements
. It one-line statement like a break statement.

The statements of the loop body after continue are not executed. And loop starts from the next iteration when a continue statement is encountered in the body of the loop.

20. When will be used “while”

means “do it until the condition is true”. Use of while” construct can be helpful in repeating a set of instructions under some conditions. The syntax of while construct is:

while(logical expression){
statement 1;
statement 2;

statement 3;

Mostly asked question in viva cs201

21. What is the difference between “while”
and “do-while loop”?

In “while loop”
the condition is tested first and the statement in the body executed only when the condition is true, the loop can execute zero or more times.
In “do-while loop”
condition is tested after the execution of the statement of the loop body. Thus, the loop body executed at least once and then the condition in do while stamen is tested.
Syntax of do while


22. What we do in the loop?

There are three things we do in a loop:

  1. Initialize a variable.
  2. A continuation / termination condition

  1. Changing the value of the condition variable, usually the increment of the variable value.

The syntax of for loop:
for(initialize condition; continuation condition; incrementing condition)


23. What are the functions?

Functions are like subtasks. They receive some information, do some process and provide a result.
There are two categories of function:

Functions that returns a value
Functions that does not return a value.

Structure of Functions:
Structure of function
return-data-type function-name(argument-

int square(int number){
int result = 0;
declarations and statements
result = number*number;
return result;


Functions which don‟treturnany value use the keyword “void
” instead of return-data-type. The default data type of functions is int.

24. What is the calling methodology of a function?

The calling program just needs to write the function name and provide its arguments without data types.
25. What is the difference between declaration and definition of a function? Declaration and definition are both different things. The declaration is a prototype

of the function, that includes the return type, name, and argument list to the function and definition is the actual function code.

Int square (int)
Int square(int number){

Return (number * number);


26. What is the difference between “call by value
” and “call by reference”?

Call by Value:

In call by value
we pass a copy of the arguments instead of the original variables. The copy reaches to the function that uses it and returns it back to the calling function. (C language use call by value by default).

Call by Reference:

In call by reference we pass the reference of the original variable. And use original variable.

27. What is an array?

Array is a special data type. Arrays can be used to store a collection of data of the same data type. Every array has a data type name and size. Arrays start from index 0.


Data-type array-name[size];

For example:
Int ages[10];

We can initialize an array using “loop”
while assigning some value.

28. Define keyword “const”.

The keyword “const”
is the construct. If we want to change the size of an array suppose from 10 to 100 we can use this keyword to deal with this situation. It can be used for any data type and is written before the data type as:
const int arrays = 100

Whenever we use the word keyword const the value of that variable becomes constant and no other value can be assigned to it later on.

29. How we can manipulate arrays?

We can manipulate arrays using loops.

30. What are pointers?

Pointers are a special type of variable in which a memory address is stored. (They contain memory address not the value of the variable). Pointers works by pointing to a particular data type i.e. int, char, double, float etc.

The syntax of declaring a pointer is:

Data type *name;

For example
int *myptr;

One of the major usages of pointers is to simulate call by reference while using it with function calls. In the calling function, we pass the address of the variable to a function being called by using & operator

Mostly asked question in viva cs201

31. What is bubble sort?

It is a technique of comparing two values and interchanging the larger and smaller values. To interchange the position of larger and smaller values, the technique of swapping is used.

32. What is the relationship between pointers and arrays?

The name of an array is a constant pointer which contains the memory address of the first element of the array.

33. What is the role of a backslash (\) in C and C++?

Whenever a back slash (\) is used, the compiler considers both the characters as a single (also known as escape characters).

for new line
for tab

34. What do you know about <ctype.h>

C the language provides any functions to perform useful tests and manipulations of character data. These functions are found in the header file <ctype.h>

35. What do you know about <stdlib.h>

The header file stdlib.h
includes functions, used for different conversions. These conversion functions take an argument of a type and return it after converting it into another type.

36. Which header file we use for file handling in our programs? Whenever using files in our programs, we will include this header file


37. What is the structure?

A the structure is a collection of variables under a single name. These variables can be of different types, and each has a name that is used to select it from the structure”. It is defined with the keyword struct
. (Keyword “struct” cannot be used as a variable.)

38. What is the static memory allocation?

When we write the things like int i, j, k these will reserve three integers in memory. Similarly, the typing of char s[20] will result in the allocation of space for 20characters in the memory. This type of memory allocation is called static
allocation. It is also called compile-time allocation. Static memory runs essentially on stack.

We use this type of allocation when we know how much memory is required.

39. What is dynamic memory allocation?

Instead of allocating static memory within code, we can ask how much memory is required to allocate. And allocate memory at runtime (dynamically). This type of memory allocation is used when we don‟t know how much memory exactly we required. The dynamic memory allocation use memory from the heap.

40. Which functions are used for memory allocation in C?

malloc()” and realloc()” functions are used for memory allocation in C.

Mostly asked question in viva cs201

41. For which purpose Function “free()”
is used?

The memory allocated is no longer in use, we use free()
function to free that memory and make it a part of the heap again.

42. How memory allocated in C++?

The memory allocation in C++ is carried out with the use of an operator called “new operator”,
and deallocated with the “delete operator”. That memory returned back to the free store. Whenever we use “new operator” to allocate memory, it will be necessary to use “delete operator” to deallocate the memory.

43. What is a dangling pointer?

The pointer points to no memory location are called dangling pointer.

It has an inverse effect of memory leak. A pointer was pointing to a chunk of memory, now by some reason, that memory has deallocated and has gone back to the heap. The pointer still has the starting address of that chunk. Now pointer is pointing to a memory that no longer belongs to the program and gone back to the heap.

44. Define static variable also explain life time of static variable? 

Static variable means maintaining the state of a variable. It exists and lives

around even when we are outside the function. It is created and initialized only once during the lifetime of the program and therefore it will be destroyed or taken out of memory only once during the lifetime of the program.

45. What is the difference between pointers and variables?

Normal variable contains the value of variable either int
or float whereas pointer variable contains the address of another variable.

46. How many types of templates?

There are two different types of templates in C++ language i.e.‟ function templates and class templates.

47. Define buffer?

A a program that writes the output data to the disc, it will be nice to collect the output data (numbers) and write it on the disc in one write operation instead of writing the numbers one by one. The area where we gather the numbers is known as a buffer.

48. What is function overloading?

In function overloading, the functions have the same name but differ either by the number of arguments or the type of the arguments.

49. What is the keyword „this‟ and what are the uses of „this‟ pointer? 

'This' is used to refer the current class member without using the name of the

class. We cannot use it as a variable name. „this’
 the pointer is present in the function, referring to the calling object. “this” the pointer points to the current object.

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